
What is an ileoscopy?

An ileoscopy is a procedure that is performed to examine the lower portion of the small intestine (the ileum). An ileoscopy detects causes of bleeding in the small intestine, high ileostomy fluid output, and Crohn’s disease.

During an ileoscopy, your doctor will use a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the end called an endoscope into your ileum through your stoma to take pictures of the lining of your ileum.

Preparing for an ileoscopy

Your doctor will give you a set of instructions to follow leading up to your ileoscopy. It is important to discuss any medical conditions you have prior to the ileoscopy.

What to expect during an ileoscopy

During an ileoscopy, your doctor will insert the endoscope through your stoma and into your ileum. The endoscope will inflate your small intestine, so your doctor can have a better look at the lining of the ileum, and the endoscope can take pictures. If needed, your doctor will take a small biopsy sample for further examination. Although you may feel a sense of fullness from the inflation by the endoscope, you should not experience any pain. After your ileoscopy, you will most likely be able to immediately return to your normal activities.